Rosary Garden Page

Dear Friends,

We would like to create a Rosary Garden in the St. Joseph Courtyard at our church this spring. A Rosary Garden provides a quiet place for contemplation and inspires prayer, peace, love, connection, and creativity. Characteristic of Sharyn who had inspired many ministries for all to take part in, in our parish, this garden will be for our entire faith family and their loved ones and will be shared in memory of deceased members of our parish. What makes this garden so significant to us is what it symbolizes and how it will make you feel when you visit it.

We have chosen the St. Joseph Courtyard because it is an area that is quiet and private. We will have plants, shrubs, and flowers blooming throughout the spring, summer, and fall. We will be offering engravable stepping stones for
families of deceased members of our parish to purchase through us. We will also have a beautiful resin rocking chair to make a comfortable place to sit during your visit.

The Rosary Garden plan includes improvements such as special plantings of flowering bushes and wildflowers. Maintaining the garden will be accomplished by family and church member volunteers and funded by memorial gifts and donations.

We are looking so forward to working with all of you on this beautiful project!!!

Order Form – General Donation

Order Form – Memorial Stone


Deb Briancesco

Diana David